Monday, May 30, 2011

O! for a horse with wings!*

So far I've been a very bad blogger. I've been thinking about it, and I think that the problem might be that I am not a photographer. Many of the blogs that I read regularly rely heavily on photos of things that they've done and seen and eaten, etc. I am also not a graphic designer (as evidenced by the current look of the blog—I'm working on it! UPDATE: I have made changes! Do you like them?), so I've been struggling with how to incorporate the visuals that I would like to have. I don't have a great answer yet. Get better at photography? Perhaps.

In the meantime, here are some cool images from the Kaufmann Mercantile blog. They did a post about the future, as imagined in the past. This is actually an assignment that I did while I was at OCAD; we had to make a collage (which I'm sure I still have somewhere because I'm basically a really organized hoarder). My favorite were the ones about flying. When you think about it, flying is basically a miracle. It sort of makes more sense to just fill giant balloons with buoyant gas and use them to float things around than the whole physics thing that we use to make airplanes fly, so there's a certain sort of logic behind these crazy airships:

"Airship On The Long Course" from here:

from here:

And then there's this, which is just great:

"Flying Police" from here:

I'll leave you with Edison's Predictions for the Year 2011. Mr. Edison really thought that metals were the future.

*this is from Shakespeare (Cymbeline, Act 3 Scene 2); I just wanted a good quote about flying, and this seemed appropriate.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

I guess I'll just dive in...

After months of mulling over exactly what I want this blog to be, I decided should stop thinking about it and just go for it. After all, it's not much of a blog if there's nothing on it. So here goes!

This is my favorite thing that I've seen on the internet today:

from here:
Vintage mason jars, dark wood, and metal hardware all together? Yes please. I think I'm going to try to make a version of my own. It will go well with the vintage glass snap-top jars that I already use for bathroom storage, and will free up some valuable counter space.

I stumbled across this blog while I was browsing Pinterest earlier, and will definitely be adding it to my rotation. It's full of lots of interesting, attractive storage ideas, and since my place is the size of a shoebox I'm always looking for new ways to tidy it up.